HSU Traditions

HSU may be a relatively small school, but like larger Texas universities, we have big traditions that make us unique. 他们一开始是狂奔,戴着无边帽,最后是帽子和长袍.

The world-famous Cowboy Band played its first note in 1923. 从那时起,这群音乐家一直是HSU和地区庆祝活动的重要组成部分.

Each year, 这个身着西式服装的团体参加游行, 游戏, 牛仔竞技秀, and other performances on and off campus. 乐队巡演过十多个国家,参加过美国六个国家的就职游行.S. presidents: Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and George W. 布什.

这支受人尊敬的游行队伍成立于20世纪20年代末,由威尔·“警长”·华生(Will“Sheriff”Watson)创立, a loyal HSU supporter, rode his white horse, 银, at the head of our Cowboy Band during a parade. 他甚至穿着西方服装,以模仿我们著名的音乐团体的形象. The tradition stuck, and Six White Horses was born; each rider carries a flag that has been flown over the state of Texas.

Six White Horses participates in parades, 牛仔竞技秀, school visits, and other civic and community events. 每年,学生车手都要参加选拔,成为这支精锐的西式车队的一员.

Dr. W.O. “医生”比兹利从1962年到1998年领导这个小组, and during that time, 他还写了几本旨在教孩子们认识马的书, 故事中使用了六匹白马吗.

You’re going to love STAMPEDE! 为期一周的HSU介绍充满了乐趣和学习, 从戴上你标志性的紫金色无边帽到和你的新同学一起吃饭和玩游戏.

这个迎新课程将帮助你适应大学生活,融入我们热情的校园社区. You’ll meet upper-class students, faculty and staff members; learn about our traditions and history; and dive into the nuts and bolts of living and learning at HSU.

HSU Anthem
Hardin-Simmons, hail to thee,
for famous are thy halls;
Long may thy worth increase,
long live thy noble cause.
Great are thy victories
o’er land and over sea;
Fair daughter of the West
we love and honor thee.

HSU Fight Song (“Parade of the Purple and 黄金”)
We’ll fight for dear old H-S-U.
Win or lose, we are all for you.
We’ll sing of all your praises true
And the might of the Cowboy school.

Our hearts will always loyal be
To the school and the team we love.
We’re going to fight, fight, fight,
We’re going to fight, fight, fight,
For the glory of the Purple and 黄金.

鹅吉尔伯特是澳门皇冠赌场平台的非官方吉祥物.吉尔伯特是一只2013年春天来到校园的白鹅. 他的名字来自吉尔伯特·桑纳菲尔,前哈佛大学校长杰斐逊·戴维斯·桑纳菲尔的儿子. 作为HSU的非官方吉祥物和领养家庭成员, he gets lots of attention from students, and we even celebrate his birthday annually.

Historic photo of Fritz, a white bulldog or terrier, that became known as Dam-it, the mascot of HSU from 1916 to 1920.1916年,西蒙斯学院迎来了弗里茨, 一种白色斗牛犬或大型梗犬(他的血统未知),由总统桑纳维尔最小的儿子拥有, 直布罗陀海峡.  虽然他的名字是弗里茨,但他很快就获得了另一个更广为人知的绰号.  关于他如何被称为Dam-it,有一些推测性的原因, 从导致一名食堂工作人员在给学生端着装满食物的托盘时摔倒, 或者它指的是他失去尾巴时的想法, either way the name stuck.  随着他和同学们一起长大,它很快成为了20世纪20年代的吉祥物, 并融入了大学的文化.

他学了一种非常流行的用石头和棍子捡东西的游戏, 无论走到哪里,他都会用嘴叼着石头.  Dam-it was allowed to roam all over campus, including classrooms, 当他在课堂上睡着时,笑声就会随之而来, the rock would tumble out of his mouth, startle him awake, 引起一阵骚动,直到他再次咬住那块石头.

The story of Dam-it is however, a tragedy, 因为他在1920年1月感染了肺炎,几小时后就去世了.  他对哈佛大学的影响在他的葬礼上得到了体现, 其中包括由牛仔乐队带领的游行队伍, four seniors as pallbearers, and grave dug by freshmen.  高年级牧师艾拉·哈里森(Ira Harrison)以“每只狗都有他的一天”的歌词主持了仪式.几乎所有的学生和教职员工都出席了在校园中心举行的葬礼.

这个消防栓纪念碑是为了纪念大学校以前的吉祥物——狗狗Dam-It.The story was picked up by the Associated Press, and received national attention, 来自全国各地的哀悼.  他的墓碑上立着一块大理石墓碑,上面写着:妈的,他死了.  Around 1950, 一块金属板代替了被凿掉的石头, 后来,纪念碑被搬到了倒影池旁边, 一个紫色和金色相间的消防栓是为了纪念他而建的.

After the death of Dam-it, the class of 1920 donated another canine mascot, this time a young Dalmatian, but Dam-it was irreplaceable.  虽然它已经从澳门皇冠赌场平台的校园里消失了90多年, 他的遗产就保存在池塘边的纪念碑里, 每个学校戒指上的消防栓上都有.

圣诞节是一年中特别的节日. Each year, 我们聚集在安德森草坪上,用一本故事书来庆祝圣诞树的点亮, 饼干, 工艺品, carols and cocoa. 庆祝活动还包括晚宴和音乐会.

HSU 1919届的学生使位于阿比林大厅对面的石化树桩成为可能. 它是从克莱德附近的沙床上取下来的,由已故的D.Q. 他是《澳门皇冠赌场平台》的编辑,也是1919届的一员.

  • Colors: Purple & 黄金
  • Fight Song: “Parade of the Purple and 黄金”
  • Mascot: Cowboy
  • School Paper: The HSU Brand
  • Yearbook: Bronco
  • Literary Magazine: Corral
  • 校友 Magazine: Range Rider